
Showing posts from February, 2023

In Love With Muhammad(PBUH)

  Love is a feeling.  A miraculous phenomenon that surpasses even understanding.  A mental illness that doesn't recognize the people around them and the environment, a state of mind that fills the mind with overwhelm.  But the reality is that this precious love is often frozen in a wasteful way.  A good sense of purpose as to whom we should love and for what we should love should be expressed in the palm of every intelligent person.  The people, who were purposeful and intelligent, aimed at the victory of the Hereafter. They realized that the only way to invest flawlessly and fruitlessly for it was to fill the great ocean of insatiable and unbounded affection for Prophet.  When Rasheed al-Baghdadi, a lover named Rasheed al-Baghdadi, was prevented from entering Madinah to visit the prince of Madinah, a haven of peace and tranquility, which is a beautiful haven of peace and tranquility in Madinah, while lying among the bundles of wood and on the way...

Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) who have been waiting for time.

When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) came to the sandy deserts of Arabia to propagate the Holy Religion  of Islam, the land was a haven for alcohol, drugs and debauchery.  But within a few days, the Prophet (PBUH) transformed that barbarian group into unparalleled leaders and conquerors that the world had never seen before and presented them as role models to the world.  That great personality accomplished many things in a short span of time that an ordinary man could never accomplish.  The Prophet (PBUH) raised the world, which had been blind for years, from the highest to the highest.  From the wild rabbis who had only 2 percent literacy, later with the arrival of the Prophet Muhammad, scientists who made many contributions to the world of science such as Ibn Sina , Al Razi and Ibn al-Haytham were born in Arabia.  The world shouted about the Prophet (PBUH) "Mohammed is the most successful of all prophets and religious personalities"  - In order to deceive th...


  It is a mercy on the punisher to warn before he punishes the wrongdoer. The warning is issued in order to give the violator an opportunity to escape punishment, even if it is fair to punish the violator if he violates the prohibitions. Those who are knowledgeable will warn others if major accidents and disasters happen not only for punishments. That's why some people have written in front of the house, 'Take care of the dog. 'Green, yellow and red alerts are issued before dams are opened to be cautious about it. And Allah is The Most Merciful, the Most Merciful. That is why we keep warning the guilty of the punishment that has been prepared for them. Allah has been warning mankind through the books he has prepared and the prophets he has sent. One of the names of the last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is Nadeer (warner). Prophet (PBUH) is the prophet who warned about all the calamities to come. One of the most important of them is the day of Qiyamah . The signs of the Day of Ju...

Immortal Goodies

The life of a true believer is full of miracles and blessings. The Prophet (PBUH) once asked an audience a question to describe it. عن عبد الله بن عمر أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: «إن من الشجر شجرة لا يسقط ورقها، وهي مثل المسلم، حدثوني ما هي؟» فوقع الناس في شجر البادية، ووقع في نفسي أنها النخلة، قال عبد الله: فاستحييت، فقالوا: يا رسول الله، أخبرنا بها؟ فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «هي النخلة» قال عبد الله: فحدثت أبي بما وقع في نفسي، فقال: «لأن تكون قلتها أحب إلي من أن يكون لي كذا وكذا».   [صحيح] - [متفق عليه] The date palm is a tree.  Every part of it is beneficial and beneficial.  Dates contain nutrients that provide health benefits.  Dates are a source of a handful of healthy elements like iron, potassium, magnesium and vitamins.  It is one that helps to increase the weight of the body without increasing fat.  Fruit is not the only thing that comes from date palm.  Its wood is used to make many objects and utensils.  Useful ma...